I remember Ekyo as a loving mother, who was so proud of each one of her children. I remember her as a talented artist, who was able to capture the essence of an animal or Zen historical figure with a few strokes. I remember her as a person with a good sense of humor --- we could always laugh together.
I remember her as a person of courage and determination, a woman who overcame the difficulties of her childhood and, incredibly, did not pass the tiniest bit of how she herself was treated on to her children. This is not easy! I remember her as stoic -- not complaining about the physical pain she endured. I remember her as a talented teacher, instructing people in our sangha who were afraid at the beginning of her workshop to put one stroke on a sheet of paper. Her gentle encouragement saw them through to a complete picture, which they shared with the group with a big smile on their face.
Dearest Ekyo, I pray that your transition is peaceful, that you are now free of pain, and that your creative energy continues on and brings benefit to people in the future.